Electricity is the movement and distribution of electric charge.
ChargeCharge is a fundamental property of matter much like mass. Unlike mass, charge has a polarity or sign. Fortunately for humans, charge can be moved around and manipulated much easier than mass can.
How Does Charge Move?Charge is carried by charge carriers. Often times these are electrons, but they don't have to be. Charge can only move well in conductive materials. It is important to know that charge propagates through a conductor via the charge carriers, but the flow of charge carrier is not equivalent to the flow of charge. When current flows in a wire it moves very quickly, but the individual electrons do not.
CurrentCurrent is the amount of charge crossing a cross section per unit time. The more charge is flowing through a constant area, the more current there will be. Current is the rate of change of charge with respect to time (derivative) through a constant area.
VoltageVoltage is the pushing pressure that is applied to charge in a circuit. Voltage is not a measure of potential energy, it is a measure of potential energy per unit charge. And remember, potential energy is always relative to some location. Given this, voltage is always measured between two points.
What is ResistanceResistance is a property of materials that determines how easy it is for charge to move through them. It takes work to move charge through a resistance, or to make current flow through a resistance (same thing).
Circuit Components (Lumped Element Model)When we design and build circuits it is helpful to represent them as components connected together. This idea is also key to how circuits are built and circuit components are sold. This approach has a number of advantages: